Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Connecting With Great Educators

It is amazing how a great, online conversation can broaden your perspective and leave you pondering even after the convo. One day later and I am still thinking about the flow of tweets from last night's #NYEDChat convo on Twitter with Jimmy Casas. During the chat, a connected energy was harnessed as we discussed What Great Educators Do Differently. Today's stream of tweets, encouraged deeper thinking on my part.


Many tweets went by.
I sit still pondering a reply.

I return from a state of quiet to write.

Connected educators are a mix of spring blossoms,
Positivity, possibilities, and potential-a simple bouquet
Scenting the morning air with fragrant garden freshness. 

Great educators examine their understandings.
A positive spirit of good will and respect fill their talk.
Possibilities (unlimited) frame their mindset and lead their walk.
Potential is what is envisioned to extend their journey of growth.
It is within a thriving, borderless community of shared networking that
Lasting relationships are solidified, collaborative efforts promoted, and 
Engines of the mind ignited to collectively impact teaching and learning.

From these swirling thoughts, 
Digital inspirations previously created 
Swept across my screen as promising mantras.

The journey to connect and grow as a collective body of professionals is one that should not be walked alone. Have you reaped the benefit of a connected network of great educators? If not, it is time to grow your PLN with edufriends who think beyond the box, are risk takers, and understand the wisdom of passing on ownership of learning to their students. 

I am posting this to Two Writing Teachers for Slice of Life Tuesday tonight. With gratitude for this outstanding group of connected educators who honor the practice of writing by honing their craft each week, I share my thoughts

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